The Torah Project Mission
The awakening of human consciousness has been hindered for years, by an extraterrestrial race and that together with a group of humans exalted in world power, "The Managers; they hinder the spiritual development of our race. Thus, the help for the cosmic awakening of humanity, the so-called exospirituality.
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The Torah Project
The Torah Project is today a sacred place, it is made up of dozens of monoliths and circles in resonance 3,6,9; they integrate hundreds of geometries that vibrate in the sacred.
Those who have visited the place have experienced unique experiences about real and incomprehensible events.
The Torah Project
The Torah Project is today a sacred place, it is made up of dozens of monoliths and circles in resonance 3,6,9; they integrate hundreds of geometries that vibrate in the sacred.
Those who have visited the place have experienced unique experiences about real and incomprehensible events.

Sacred geometry in motion
Based on real facts; For many it could be fiction. In the center of Mexico, in the call Area 33 The most ambitious civil project known at a global level is located, regarding contact with other non-human intelligences and opening of dimensional portals among other phenomena. The Torah Project; conceived through auditory, physical and telepathic contact with the Star Beings and which are part of the Mission entrusted to the author for the Development of Humanity.
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The place
The Torah is a magical place, of healing, a dimensional portal that will help you raise your consciousness, to heal, it consists of making a journey through xx stones which will channel energy and help you raise your vibratory frequency, as well as the of the Planet.

By buying the book, you will know what this project is about, why it was done and what is The Mission behind all this.
The book is your access to the Torah, when you buy it you can access with the included coupon, as well as you can book a tour with the “Torah Masters” which will take you by the hand and thus your experience will be deeper.
Area 33
Located in a valley in Central Mexico, the place where independent Mexico was born.
Is it a Dimensional Portal? Or is it just Sacred Geometry in motion, working for Planet Earth?
Is it a stargate? Or is it just a place in perfect synchronization with the Universe? Mathematically and Spiritually Ordered.
Is it a Quantum Device? Or is it just a gift to Humanity from the stars? Made by women and men, to raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants.